James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones, Daniel Roos
The Story of Lean Production - Toyota’s Secret Weapon in the Global Car Wars that is Now Revolutionizing World Industry.
Peter Drucker once dubbed the automobile industry as “the industry of industries,” and today, automobile manufacturing is still the world’s largest manufacturing activity as more than 50 million new vehicles are produced each year. You likely own a vehicle yourself. Perhaps you own several. Regardless, the automobile industry has changed our lives in more ways than one. Twice in this century, it has changed the fundamental idea of how we make things, which then influences how we work, what we buy, how we think, and how we live. One Japanese car company, in particular, Toyota, has maintained a credible reputation for quality and innovation, making it one of the most successful car manufacturers worldwide - valued for its reliability and efficiency. The foundation of its success comes from Toyota’s production system called lean production. A system that has become so successful that is has spread into other industries across the globe, including design, programming, and management. As you read, you’ll learn how the assembly line was revolutionary but flawed, why Toyota allows any employee to halt production, and why Toyota refuses to keep warehouses full of inventory.