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James Fulcher
A brief overview of capitalism. Capitalism: love it or hate it, this economic model governs much of the Western world today. It has sparked protests, revolutions, and economic growth. Carefully researched by sociologist James Fulcher, Capitalism (2015) provides a short overview of the socioeconomic system that has profoundly impacted our lives, finances, and mental health.
16 minutes
Fred Vogelstein
Learn what happened when Apple and Google butted heads. We know Apple and Google as the titans of today’s technology industry. We might even assume that they get along — and indeed they used to. But power is a strong motivator that can divide even the friendliest of partnerships and that’s exactly what happened in the case of Apple and Google. Dogfight (2013) follows the gripping saga of the power struggle that ensued when the world’s biggest tech giants fought for control of the market.
8 minutes
Steven D. Levitt, Stephen J. Dubner
The study of economics can be wilder than you think. Have you ever wondered why we make the money mistakes that we do? With such a wealth of financial advice available, it seems stunning that we could make such bad investments or foolhardy purchases. Freakonomics uses the principles of economic analysis to unpack this concept for us and explain why we make the choices we do. And through Levitt and Dubner’s critical study, you’ll learn the surprising truth about how we can apply economics to every facet of our lives from dating to big purchases!
11 minutes
Peers Inc.
Robin Chase
Learn about the power of the collaborative economy and why it’s changing the world. You know Robin Chase as a transportation entrepreneur and CEO of Zipcar. But Peers Inc (2015) is your personal guide to the business strategies that built her empire. Providing a sneak peek into Chase’s extraordinary mind and philosophy, Peers Inc. will teach you how to unpack and implement the peers model in your own life and business. And, believe it or not, Chase’s solutions might also help you save the planet!
15 minutes
The Box
Mark Levison
How a simple box has changed the world. Today, we think nothing of the countless Amazon packages that show up at our doors, but The Box (2006) invites us to discover the life-changing power of this simple shipping device. Follow along with the evolution of the humble box and learn how this transportation hack has revolutionized the global shipping industry.
15 minutes
The Failure of Risk Management
Douglas W. Hubbard
How to manage risk management. Life is full of risks and dangers; that’s why we have the risk management industry. But what do you do if your risk management strategies are flawed? The Failure of Risk Management (2009) explores the flaws and failings of our current risk management model and provides practical top tips for overcoming them.
14 minutes
The Machine that Changed the World
James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones, Daniel Roos
The Story of Lean Production - Toyota’s Secret Weapon in the Global Car Wars that is Now Revolutionizing World Industry. Peter Drucker once dubbed the automobile industry as “the industry of industries,” and today, automobile manufacturing is still the world’s largest manufacturing activity as more than 50 million new vehicles are produced each year. You likely own a vehicle yourself. Perhaps you own several. Regardless, the automobile industry has changed our lives in more ways than one. Twice in this century, it has changed the fundamental idea of how we make things, which then influences how we work, what we buy, how we think, and how we live. One Japanese car company, in particular, Toyota, has maintained a credible reputation for quality and innovation, making it one of the most successful car manufacturers worldwide - valued for its reliability and efficiency. The foundation of its success comes from Toyota’s production system called lean production. A system that has become so successful that is has spread into other industries across the globe, including design, programming, and management. As you read, you’ll learn how the assembly line was revolutionary but flawed, why Toyota allows any employee to halt production, and why Toyota refuses to keep warehouses full of inventory.
11 minutes
Think Like a Freak
Steven D. Levitt, Stephen J. Dubner
How challenging convention can help you think outside the box. When the term “freaky” comes to mind, we typically think of it in the context of things that are weird, bizarre, or disturbing. We often refer to people who social outcasts as “freaks” to denote that they are somehow too weird to associate with “normal” people. But what if being freaky could be a good thing? The authors posit that when it comes to thinking outside the box, being a freak can actually be a very positive thing indeed! Think Like a Freak (2014) explores the benefits of challenging convention and learning to think for yourself.
13 minutes
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